arithmetic mean

英 [ˌærɪθmetɪk ˈmiːn] 美 [ˌærɪθmetɪk ˈmiːn]




  1. Standard deviation of weighted arithmetic mean
  2. One should therefore take the arithmetic mean as the sum.
  3. This paper proves that this formula is equivalent to the arithmetic mean formula, and extends the result. This is a simple example of the equipartition theorem at work.
  4. The arithmetic mean of the absolute values of deviations from the mean of a distribution.
  5. The following figure shows the calculation for the arithmetic mean for each of the four valuation metrics.
  6. In fact, there are some very old books that show this as the average, the sum divided by two arithmetic mean, but the modern practice is to use the geometric mean.
  7. The way incomes are distributed means most live below the arithmetic mean – and further below in countries, such as the Brics, where inequality is greater.
  8. Returns the harmonic mean of a data set of positive numbers: the reciprocal of the arithmetic mean of reciprocals In principle, weights should be 1/ ( s. e.) 2.
  9. Application of Information Entropy Principle to Uncertainty Calculation of the Arithmetic Mean Deviation of Surface Roughness
  10. A method which uses distribution display method and data fusion method based on the arithmetic mean value and batch estimating to static data performance account of the aero engine testing is introduced. The result of calculation exactly reflects performance of engine.
  11. Use median and arithmetic mean filters to do removal of the pulse and random disturbances.
  12. The method of progressive difference remedies a defect of the arithmetic mean
  13. In this paper the application conditions of elliptical-marker strain analysis techniques ( R_f/ Φ) de-straining method, algebraic method proposed by Shimamoto et al., harmonic mean method, and arithmetic mean method) are thoroughly discussed by computer model method.
  14. A HIGH-PRECISION IMAGE PROCESSING Algorithm Based on Arithmetic Mean of Gray-value and Bilinear Interpolation
  15. This system can automatically calculate and display as well as print the arithmetic mean deviation of test-pieces measured.
  16. Arithmetic Mean Method and Weighting Mean Method of Digital Filter
  17. On the premise of careful phase analysis, the shallow structure and velocity distribution of layer above basement interface is obtained by applying classical methods of time section and arithmetic mean.
  18. Compared with the arithmetic mean method, the algorithm can get optimal temperature without any prior knowledge of the surveying data.
  19. Evaluation and Analysis to the Representativeness of Arithmetic Mean Quota
  20. Consequently, it introduces the method of evaluating the representativeness of arithmetic mean by arithmetic mean quota with analysis made on the application scope of the judging axiom.
  21. The methods of combine arithmetic mean with the area weighting average are adopted when calculation of amount of precipitation and the evaporation capacity.
  22. Feasibility of the algorithm is verified by simulation results. Secondly, two measures for improvement the algorithm are proposed in this paper: spectral peak searching by large/ small step and arithmetic mean for spectral function.
  23. Combined with streaming media network platform of practical application, a detailed design based on the arithmetic mean of data quality analysis algorithm formula and process. 3.
  24. The computation of grid centroid uses weighted mean instead of arithmetic mean. Consequently, the position of grid centroid can represent the space distribution of data points indirectly. Moreover, the incremental updating of the centroid saves a lot of time and space.
  25. The main content goes as follows: ( 1) The forecast of water consumption: according to the optimization theory of combination weight coefficient, the author combines BP neural network method and mobile arithmetic mean method, and makes the mixed forecast model.
  26. First of all, according to the established network consumption measurement indicator system to collect relevant data by dimensionless arithmetic mean method, the weighted average method of treating the resulting data and, ultimately, a comprehensive measure indicators.
  27. The three data processing results were compared, which were traditional weighted data-fusion algorithm, adaptive weighted data-fusion algorithm and simple arithmetic mean processing.
  28. And on this basis, the arithmetic mean law is operating through the riskiness of the project grading.



  1. the sum of the values of a random variable divided by the number of values

      Synonym:    first momentexpectationexpected value